Jelly shoes have never been so sophisticated:
Loving Frank
The girls are coming over for Book and Bottle(s) next week and we'll be discussing Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. Frank Lloyd Wright's personal life, both fact and fiction, almost rivals the masterpieces he left behind.

Falling Water
Laurel Highlands, PA
A tourist trap perhaps, but breathtaking nonetheless.
Back to School
A surprisingly humidity-free (ok, well low humidity) morning reminded me of those long ago back to school days. Here are a few things on my fall wish list:
Black military jacket, H&M
Grey suede boots, Zappos
Vintage desk tray for all my fan mail, Etsy
And for the husband (directly from his own wish list, although the tomboy in me has grown found of it for myself):

"The original" leather postal messenger bag, J.Crew
To market...

Came home with these guys (and will toss them with olive oil, lemon juice, red onion, feta, pepper and grey fleur de sel):

Bed Book
An endearing little book was waiting for me at our neighborhood used book store on a very rainy Saturday in the District. While hardly a classic, or even known to anyone but me, the Gardner's Bed-Book (published in 1939) now sits exactly where it belongs.
"This year of Rain. Everyone has been saying (and they said it last year too) that they never saw such a year for rain. Never has there been such a rainy summer. Over those who live in houses where the trees grow close and the bushes thick has come the sadness of monotony. The dismal days were hard to live through. And yet, as some person has said, it is a sure sign that we are over-civilized when we grow afraid of rain."

Now, if I only had a garden...
The St. Germain
While we can't always walk down St-Germain-des-Prés, we can always toast to Paris with St. Germain.
St. Germain is a liqueur made with fresh wild elderflowers, encased in a perfectly Parisian vessel reminiscent of a perfume bottle. My favorite paring (and only, thus far) is the signature cocktail cleverly named the "St. Germain."
2 Shots Champagne
1 ½ Shots St-Germain
2 Shots Sparkling Water or Club Soda
Stir ingredients in a tall ice-filled Collins glass, mixing completely. Think of Paris circa 1947. Garnish with a lemon twist. Drink and repeat.
Here's the lovely bottle waiting for me at home (a special thank you to the handsome man who surprised me with this. Happy wife = happy home, especially when that wife has a champagne glass in hand.)
V is for Voila...
Have you ever had a "Voilà!" moment? Mine came when I was 29, and it was more like "Wa la!" I don't even remember what I was showcasing (a gourmet meal? a daring outfit? trying to win an argument with my husband by delivering a powerful and irrefutable truth?) If it was the latter, than he won - and I learned that the "V" in "Voilà" really isn't pronounced as a "W", as much as my 29 years of life had tried to make it.
Here's a place for all the "Wa la" and "Voilà" musings and whatnots I come across. Truth be told, I never actually wanted a blog of my own as I thought it would be much more fabulous to be a guest blogger, swooping in with ideas and postings but never having to commit. But then I was reminded of one of my most defining quirks: I can rarely build up enough courage to ask anyone for anything (even if it's only ketchup from a waiter). Strange? Perhaps. But then again, if it wasn't for that you wouldn't be reading this blog. So, enjoy... and remember, guest bloggers are welcome here.
photo courtsey of Flickr